Thursday, June 27, 2013

[HOW TO] Samsung Galaxy S I9070 Advance ROOT [for most firmwares] 100% working

Ok after a 2-3 weeks of pain and miserably, I have managed to compile a kernel which give us permanent root for Samsung Galaxy S Advance. There is a little problem with this method. Cause I am a total beginner in developing, my kernel has side affects. It makes phone reboots for no reason, I think there is some problem with drivers. Don't worry I have found a workaround. First you must flash my kernel to get root access, that just flash original kernel back, and the root access is still there, and the reboots are gone. Now you know why it is called ugly method . When I'll have time I will try to provide 100% working kernel.

FIRST THIS WAS MADE FOR PHONES WITH XXLD1 firmware (european) , but with help of testers now this method also works on ZSDL1, VJLD1 DXLD1, DDLD4, JPLD3, ZSLE4, XXLD2 and XXLE2 firmware, I have add kernels for this firmwares (Step 10, of rooting proces)! You are free to test it on other firmwares, just make sure you have original firmware ready if something goes wrong

Under normal circumstances it won't. If something goes wrong you can still flash original firmware with odin.

THIRD this can only be done in Windows.

Now the procedure

1. Download GT-I9070-root.rar, and extract it somewhere on you local disk.

2. From stuff you just extracted run program Odin3 v1.83.exe

3. Then open Settings in your phone, go to Aplications -> Development and check USB Debugging and Allow mock locations. Both needs to be Checked (Selected).

4. Turn off phone and turn it back on into Download mode, like this press Volume Down + Home button + Power button, wait untill some "strange" screen appers, put in usb cable and choose continue.

5. Now wait until Odin recognize your phone. It can take a while first time, if you have problems search for samsung drivers on the internet,

6. Under PIT file browse for GT-I9070_EUR_XX_8G_20111220_KL6.pit, you have extracted this file before.

7. Under PDA choos rootkernel.tar.md5.

8. Then check what options are checked (Selected), be sure to UNCHECK (remove selction) Re-Partition, Flash Lock, Phone EFS Clear, Phone Bootloader Update! Only Auto Reboot and F.Reset Time should be checked (Selected)

9. When this is set just press Start and wait for phone to reboot.

10. Now repeat steps from 4 to 9, with one exception at step 7 now choose xxld1.tar.md5. For other firmwares you can download appropriate kernels here:
ZSLD1.tar.md5 (removed)
VJLD1.tar.md5. (removed
DXLD1.tar.md5 (removed)

I am very sorry to inform you but since i only have free account on mediafire, some of my files where removed by their administrators due to too many downloads . If some body could gather all the files and provide alternative link (but not dropbox, cause they have limited downloads as well, as far as I know).

11. Download and install Superuser or SuperSU aplication from market and enjoy the rooted phone! And you must also download Busybox to install busyboxbinary. [Recommended way]
Or you can use Superoneclick, this tools push the Superuser aplication to /system/app and it installs busybox binary. Just search this tools on XDA.

Voila your phone should now be rooted. I will do my best to improve this method.

This wouldn't happened without a help of this people (THANK YOU GUYS!):


Your information were priceless!!

I hope I didn't miss someone, if I did, I apologize, I will add you, just tell me !

FINAL WARNING: when rooting phone you are voiding warranty, so think twice if you are ready for this

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